Thursday, July 30, 2009

things to monitor

There are some things to watch after you have created your pet. The three main status readers you have to watch out are the life, happiness and hygiene. These are located at the right corner of your screen. You may refer to the illustration above.

The red one refers to the life status of your pet. This can be improved by feeding your pet. Food can be bought in the neighboring food store.

The smiley (yellow) would mean your pet's happiness. This can be improved by visiting neighbors, playing and winning in the neighboring stadium.

The blue one is the hygiene reader. If it scans low, your pet may smell and flies will be buzzing around him. You may clean him by using the soap which is in your chest.

For washing your pet with soap, just hold mouse to grip soap and rub your pet with it. By being hygienic, you can also earn coins.

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